It is strictly prohibited to use, without the permission of the website owner, bots, spiders, scrapers, or other automated means on this website to acquire, copy, or use any section of the website containing personal data and/or copyrighted material to enrich databases and/or train artificial intelligence (AI) models.

In addition, copying, using, modifying, and republishing copyrighted material on this website, including through non-automated means, including but not limited to manual reproduction, transcription, digitization, scanning, photography, and any other manual or electronic method that enables duplication or distribution of protected content is prohibited. This prohibition applies to all types of protected material on the website, including text, images, videos, graphics, and any other original content posted.

We reserve the right to monitor the use of the website to ensure compliance with this clause and to take appropriate action in the event of its violation. Such actions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Blocking access to the website.
  • Reporting illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.
  • Initiation of legal action in order to obtain compensation for damages suffered.